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Visual identity to align across all four Franke brands
Franke Group LinkedIn Identiy – Top Splash
/ Intro
Franke had the need for a unified guideline approach with flexibility in their communication on LinkedIn. It was hard to link content to Franke, as they had no unity in their visual expression. A visual identity system was therefore provided to give Franke more brand awareness and recognizability.
/ font – Antarctica var
Franke Group LinkedIn Identiy – Font weight
/ color palette
Franke Group LinkedIn Identiy – Color pallete
/ grid system
Franke Group LinkedIn Identiy – Grid system
/ color variation
Franke Group LinkedIn Identiy – Mockup varations
/ format variation
Rovensa Next Desktop mockup veggieRovensa Next Desktop mockup veggieRovensa Next Desktop mockup farmer
/ example 1
Rovensa Next Lab image
/ example 2
Rovensa Next Lab image
Franke Group LinkedIn Identiy – Faucet image
/ result
The new identity has given structure and more engaging guideines for Franke's social media post. With the new guidelines the feed will be more attention seeking and easy to code to Franke products, both internally and external.
Web experience
Rovensa Next case img